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Accounts and impact report

Accounts and impact report

Download our latest documents and learn about the results of our vital work in more detail. 

Boy walking into room with counsellor

Our accounts

Take a look at Place2Be’s performance over the past financial year, review our finances and read about the charity's structure.

Download 2023 Accounts (1MB)

Boy drawing in school

Our annual impact report

Find out how many pupils, families and schools we’ve reached over the last year and browse stats about the impact of our support.

View our 2023 Impact

Girl smiling in a playground

25 years’ learning from practice and evaluation

We continuously evaluate our services, using evidence to develop our work in schools further. This report reflects on our learnings since we were founded in 1994.

Read our 25 year' learning from practice and evaluation report

doctor in lab coat holding phone

Our NHS Quality Accounts

Every year we publish a Quality Account to show how we make sure our services are high-quality, evidence-based and clinically effective.

Read our NHS Quality Accounts

News & blogs

A photo of a child facing away from the camera while in a classroom looking at the teacher.

Solutions for school attendance roundtable unites sector leaders

Place2Be hosted a cross-sector roundtable to discuss the impact of persistent absence and identify practical solutions. 

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A woman and a young child drawing and smiling together

Place2Be’s online parenting course now available to local authorities

Place2Be’s online parenting course empowers parents and carers to feel better equipped to manage the journey of parenting.

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A photo of Place2Be Clinical Director Niki Cooper smiling at the camera while sitting down. Niki is wearing a yellow shirt with black dots, and a purple scarf.

Place2Be bids farewell to Clinical Director, Dr Niki Cooper

Niki Cooper has been at Place2Be for over two decades. Here, she reflects on her 22 years with the charity.

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