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Mathew's story

Mathew's story

When Mathew was eight, he saw his mum change and become dependent on alcohol. Homelife was often unpredictable and traumatic. Place2Be helped Mathew to talk about his feelings and support his mum too.


In this video, Mathew looks back to when he received counselling from Place2Be and how this helped both him and his mum during a difficult time.

At home things were very traumatic and unpredictable, and then at school things could be similar. To be able to go to a room and talk to someone directly about your issues at that age was tremendously helpful. Place2Be supported my mum at the time by sitting and hearing her side of the story. I found out that she was going through a lot of difficulty at the time and there was no one to help her, and I’m really grateful for Place2Be taking that time. Mathew