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Place2Be’s response to Green Paper consultation

In December, the government published Transforming children and young people's mental health provision: a green paper. Place2Be has submitted a response to this consultation.


Overall, we welcome the Green Paper and the government's ambitions to significantly improve children's mental health provision. We're particularly pleased that the Green Paper recognises the crucial contribution of school-based provision to improve children's and young people's mental health.

We know from our experience of working directly with schools over the last 23 years that such provision can help to create a culture of openness, can ensure that potential mental health problems are identified at an early stage and that children access support in a safe and familiar environment without the stigma often attached to mental health services in the NHS. There is much good practice on which to build.

Our response to the consultation, which closed last week, the outcome of which is summarised in the below points.

  • Designated Senior Leads should be expected to have an agreed level/standard of training.
  • The role of Designated Senior Leads should be clearly defined. Leads should have suitable capacity and time to undertake the role and be expected to meet an agreed standard of practice.
  • Further consideration needs to be given to the range of skills required of staff within Mental Health Support Teams.
  • Given the range of skills required, practitioners in Mental Health Support Teams will need to have experience working with vulnerable children and young people and their families in communities.
  • The resourcing of Mental Health Support Teams needs to reflect the service demand.
  • There should be a clearer definition of mild to moderate mental health conditions to meet need most effectively.
  • Mental Health Support Teams should focus on providing interventions with a strong evidence base of efficacy.
  • Urgent consideration needs to be given to ensure that existing services are not displaced as a result of the Green Paper measures.

You can read Place2Be’s full response to the Green Paper: Transforming Children and Young People’s Mental Health Provision.

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