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Charities Against Hate: bringing positive change to social platforms

In July, Place2Be joined 37 other charities to address hate speech in social media. We pledged to work together to review and make recommendations to social media platforms in order to make them a safer place for the communities we work with. Read our updated statement below.

Charities Against Hate: bringing positive change to social platforms

The Third Sector Social Media Working Group has been created to review ethical social media and marketing practices and policies.

Charities and non-profits use social media for fundraising, relationship-building, raising awareness of key issues, supporting their services, providing vital and trusted information and more. We are working together to develop longer-term recommendations for real and meaningful changes to ensure these platforms do not support, or provide a place for, online hate which causes real harm to real people.

As part of investigating potential platform changes, we are currently looking at: the experience for our beneficiaries, staff and volunteers on social media and their involvement in shaping this project; ethical partner policies for the sector and the impact on wider fundraising; existing data and information on the impact of hate speech on mental health; and ethical marketing practices for the sector.

Our power comes from working together. We aim to produce a collective proposal of clear and concise changes that will benefit the communities we serve at large, and to make recommendations to social media owners, policy makers and the wider public by the end of the year.

If any charity communications practitioners would like to join our growing group or find out more, please email charities@charitycomms.org.uk. Follow the campaign on Twitter on @CharityAgstHate.

News & blogs

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