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Three charities launch wellbeing video for young carers

Three charities have joined forces to launch a new video aimed at fostering the wellbeing and creativity of young carers in the UK.

To mark Young Carers Action Day this month, Place2Be’s Art Room has teamed up with MYTIME and Credu to launch a video which has been co-designed with young carers through a series of workshops.

Watch the wellbeing video for young carers

The video aims to increase understanding of the diverse young carer experience and enables teachers to make small changes that can make a big difference to the day-to-day wellbeing of young carers in schools. It follows on from an activity designed last year by Place2Be’s Art Room and young carers to help primary-aged children unwind, have fun and connect with others.

Through facilitating sessions with young carer groups in Dorset, Isle of Wight, Wrexham and Powys, as well as consulting with young carers staff, the team gained rich insights into the lived experiences of young carers. Bringing to life the voices, ideas and creations from the young people themselves, the video shares some useful tips on how teachers can better support young carers’ wellbeing within the school environment.

This collaborative work has been generously funded by the Triangle Trust 1949 Fund.

Young carers gain key life skills in their caring role whilst also facing an array of challenges.

In 2024, almost 54,000 pupils were recorded as young carers nationally, representing 0.6% of the pupil population and an average of 337 young carers per local authority according to a report by The Carers Trust. An annual young carer survey repeatedly showed many young carers are disadvantaged across multiple aspects of their lives, including mental and physical health, finances, education and employment.

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Young Carers Video News Story Social Share

Three charities launch wellbeing video for young carers

Three charities have joined forces to launch a new video aimed at fostering the wellbeing and creativity of young carers.

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