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Looking after your data

Looking after your data

The General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) came into force in May 2018, alongside a new Data Protection Act 2018 (“DPA”).

These new laws aim to put people back at the centre of information handling, and to ensure that all organisations that hold people’s personal information act in a lawful and transparent way. Please click on the links below for details about how Place2Be is complying with these regulations.

News & blogs

A photo of a child facing away from the camera while in a classroom looking at the teacher.

Solutions for school attendance roundtable unites sector leaders

Place2Be hosted a cross-sector roundtable to discuss the impact of persistent absence and identify practical solutions. 

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A woman and a young child drawing and smiling together

Place2Be’s online parenting course now available to local authorities

Place2Be’s online parenting course empowers parents and carers to feel better equipped to manage the journey of parenting.

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A photo of Place2Be Clinical Director Niki Cooper smiling at the camera while sitting down. Niki is wearing a yellow shirt with black dots, and a purple scarf.

Place2Be bids farewell to Clinical Director, Dr Niki Cooper

Niki Cooper has been at Place2Be for over two decades. Here, she reflects on her 22 years with the charity.

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