Your Place2Be school community team
Your Place2Be school community team
As a Place2Be partner school, you will have the support of a school community team.
Your Place2Be school community team will help you deliver a whole-school approach to mental health and make sure your pupils get the support they need when they need it. People in your Place2Be school community teams may include:
- School Project Managers
- Mental Health Practitioners
- Family Practitioners
- Counsellors on Placement
- Educational Psychologists.
We want our partner school service to work for everyone in your school. Staff and pupil voice are really important to us. Your Place2Be school community team will collaborate with you to deliver our in-school mental health services in a way that works for the whole school.
You can find out more about the roles in our school community teams below. Short on time? Enquire about becoming a Place2Be partner school now.
School Project Managers
The School Project Manager role is unique to Place2Be. School Project Managers are trained mental health professionals who are qualified in counselling children and young people. Your School Project Manager will oversee the delivery of your Place2Be partner school service. Their role includes:
- delivering our universal and targeted mental health interventions
- partnering with school staff to ensure our service is working for the whole school
- providing mental health training sessions to school staff
- managing and supervising any Counsellors on Placement working in your school.
We want our service to work for your school as best as possible. That is why your School Project Manager will complete termly reports and evaluations that we use to improve our partner school services.
Mental Health Practitioners
Mental Health Practitioners are trained mental health professionals who are qualified in counselling children and young people. If your service includes a Mental Health Practitioner, they will deliver the Place2Be partner school service in your school. Their role includes:
- delivering our universal and targeted mental health interventions
- partnering with school staff to ensure our services work for the whole school.
We want our service to work for your school as best as possible. That is why your Mental Health Practitioner will complete termly reports and evaluations that we use to improve our partner school services.
Family Practitioners
If you are a Primary School, you may also have access to the support of a dedicated Family Practitioner.
Your Family Practioner will work in partnership with parents and carers to help strengthen family relationships, especially where concerning behaviour has been identified. Their role includes:
- providing specialist advice to parents and carers
- signposting to other local support services where appropriate.
Family Practitioners will also work to increase parent and care engagement in the wider school community, contributing to our whole-school approach to mental health.
Counsellors on Placement
We offer counselling placements to individuals who have studied or are studying towards a counselling qualification. One of our Counsellors on Placement may work in your school to provide one-to-one counselling to your pupils.
Counsellors on Placement are always supported and supervised by one of our experienced School Project Managers.
Any questions?
Get in touch with us using our enquiries form