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Donate in memory

Donate in memory

Donate in memory of a loved one, and help children and young people not have to face a mental health problem alone.

By choosing to support Place2Be in their memory, children and young people across the UK can get access to vital support for their mental health and wellbeing.

There are multiple ways to remember your loved one and celebrate their life. You can:

The information on this page might be difficult to read. We have a list of information on this page to support you after losing a loved one.

Tribute pages

Tribute pages are online spaces that allow family and friends to celebrate their loved one’s life. You can share photos and messages, collect donations in their memory and remember them at special anniversaries.

How to set up a tribute page

Tribute pages are free and easy to create.

  1. Set up a free individual tribute page in your loved one’s name with our partner organisation, MuchLoved. You’ll need to provide a couple of basic details here.
  2. Add photos, messages and memories of your loved one.
  3. Share the tribute page with others, so they can add their memories, fundraise and donate.
  4. MuchLoved collects your donations and pays it back to us.

Why we work with MuchLoved

MuchLoved is the leading in-memory platform in the UK and is specifically designed for paying tribute to someone. This means the emphasis is on remembering someone special, so you can post pictures, light virtual candles and share stories without needing to donate.

A MuchLoved tribute page lasts forever and you can change anything on your tribute instantly.

If you'd like more information, or have a question, call our Supporter Care team on 0207 923 5593 or email friends@place2be.org.uk.

Culture Of Wellbeing

Set up a tribute page

We work with MuchLoved, the UK's leading in-memory platform. Set up a tribute page to remember your loved one.

Set up a tribute page

Funeral collections

Thank you for considering having a Place2Be collection at your loved one’s funeral or memorial service. This is a special way to celebrate the life and memory of someone close to you.

Collecting donations in person

We can provide some materials to help you set up a funeral collection, such as leaflets or Place2Be pin badges.

Get in touch with us to talk to our team about having a funeral collection.

Email us

How to pay in your collection to Place2Be

If you have a donation collection at a funeral or celebration of your loved one’s life, you can pay in your collection in different ways.

  • Pay your collection in on our website.
  • Pay your collection in by post. Please make cheques payable to Place2Be and send them to 175 St John Street, London, EC1V 4LW.
  • Pay your collection in by phone. Call us on 020 7923 5000.
  • Pay your collection in through a bank transfer. Contact us to get our details and one of our team will be able to help you.

Remember to Gift Aid your donation

If you're a base-rate tax payer, you can Gift Aid your donation to make it go further.

When I lost my son I chose Place2Be as a charity to support at the time of his funeral as it was a charity that believed wholeheartedly in supporting young people in schools with early intervention. I have been, and continue to be so impressed with the work that Place2Be does with young people in schools. Lucy Alexander, parent and Place2Be Ambassador

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A regular gift in memory

Remember someone close to you by setting up a regular donation to Place2Be. Thanks to you and your loved one, children and young people can continue to get mental health support.

It’s quick and easy to set up a regular donation for as much or as little as you’d like.

Don't forget to Gift Aid your donation if you're a UK tax-payer, and you and your loved one will make an even bigger impact.

Set up your regular gift

Fundraise in their memory

There are several ways you can fundraise to remember someone close to you. You could:

  • take part in an event – whether it’s running, walking, cycling, or skydiving, we have something for you
  • organise your own fundraising – from a pub quiz to a bake sale, you can find something you love doing whilst raising money in memory of your loved one.

Whatever you decide to do, our team will be supporting you every step of the way.

Support for you after losing a loved one

We know that losing a loved one can be very difficult. While no one can take away your grief, there is support available to help you cope.

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Get in touch

If you’d like more information or have any questions, please get in touch with us and one of our team will be able to help you.

Contact us