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Donate while you shop

Donate while you shop

Did you know you can donate to charity while you shop, at no extra cost to you? Support Place2Be while you shop and make a real difference to children and young people's mental health.

We work with easyfundraising so you can donate to Place2Be while you shop. Whether you’re buying your weekly shop or booking a holiday, you can easily raise money for mental health.

What is easyfundraising?

Easyfundraising is the UK’s biggest charity shopping site. They partner with thousands of brands who donate part of what you spend to a charity of your choice. The brand covers the cost, so you can donate to Place2Be without any cost to you.

How to get started and donate while you shop

It’s quick and easy to get set up on easyfundraising!

The number one

Sign up

Sign up to donate to Place2Be through easyfundraising.

The number two

Do your shopping

When shopping online, go to easyfundraising’s website first, choose the brand you want to shop from and start shopping!

The number three

The brand donates

After you check out, the brand will make a donation to Place2Be.

Register with easyfundraising to support Place2Be

Benefits to signing up with easyfundraising

If you’re still wondering whether you want to donate while you shop, there are several benefits, including:

  • it’s a completely free way for you to raise money for a charity you care about
  • you can see how much money you’ve raised in your easyfundraising account
  • it’s easy to do – easyfundraising has a website and an app you can use
  • there are over 8,000 brands partnered with easyfundraising, so you can support Place2Be no matter what you're shopping for.


There are over 8,000 retail brands you can shop with and raise money for Place2Be.

See which brands are involved

Most brands pay a percentage of what you spend. Others pay a flat amount, no matter how much you spend.

We’re delighted you want to sign up and raise money for Place2Be while you shop!

Simply register with easyfundraising and get started.

Register with easyfundraising to support Place2Be

Register with easyfundraising to support Place2Be

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Get in touch

If you’d like more information or have any questions, please get in touch with us and one of our team will be able to help you.

Contact us