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Gift Aid your donation

Gift Aid your donation

Choosing Gift Aid means your donation can make an even bigger impact on children and young people's mental health. All at no extra cost to you.

When you donate with Gift Aid, we can claim an extra 25p from the Government for every £1 you give. That's an extra 25% towards improving the lives of vulnerable children and young people.

Giving through Gift Aid doesn't cost you any extra. You can donate through Gift Aid as long as:

  1. you're a UK taxpayer
  2. you pay Income Tax and/or Capital Gains tax at a rate at least equal to the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all your donations in that tax year (otherwise, it's your responsibility to pay the difference)
  3. your donation comes from your own money, not from a collection or fundraising activities.

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How to Gift Aid your donation

The number one

Make sure you're eligible to Gift Aid your donation - you can find out the requirements you need to meet below

The number two

Complete the Gift Aid declaration when you're filling out our online donation form

The number three

Once you've donated, we claim an extra 25% of your donation back from the Government

Gift Aid FAQs

You can donate through Gift Aid as long as:

  • you're a UK taxpayer
  • you pay Income Tax and/or Capital Gains tax at a rate at least equal to the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all your donations* in that tax year (otherwise, it's your responsibility to pay the difference)
  • your donation comes from your own money.

*this includes your donations to charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs.

Donating with Gift Aid comes at no extra cost to you. We claim Gift Aid from the Government after you send us your donation.

You can Gift Aid any donations you make by post or telephone by filling out our Gift Aid form. Once you've filled it out, email it to our team at friends@place2be.org.uk. You can also return your Gift Aid form to us by post, addressing it to:

Fundraising team
175 St John St

You can claim the difference between the higher rate you pay and the basic tax rate on the total gross value of your donation.

If you want to receive the additional tax relief, you must:

  • include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment tax return
  • ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.
Gift Icon Turquoise

Do you have any questions about donating with Gift Aid?

We would love to hear from you. Please get in touch with our friendly team by emailing friends@place2be.org.uk or calling us on 0207 923 5000.